So, I've been on NG for a whole year now, it has been an interesting journey
I apologize for not interacting much with anyone here (I don't interact much in general on the internet), idk I don't feel like I have the best/strongest opinion on stuff so I never comment under other artists works, so it's kind of a surprise to see the bot picking me for the "user of the day"
If you have been folllowing me since the beginning you noticed a kind of sudden switch into the subject matters. I started off doing drawings of the things I like, then moved to more generic fanarts hoping to get people attention but it didn't worked well.
Then people started asking me for transformation sequences and that stuck with me, there's a lot of people enjoying that sort of stuff, I didn't even knew that this was a thing but hey it's fun to draw and outside NG it has a huge following so I guess I have to ask forgiveness to whoever picked my drawing of Sailor Moon to be featured on the main page: I guess you expected something different from me but I hope to not have disappointed you anyway! :D
Guess this is a good time as any to plug our patreon page , we switched to weekly transformation sequences but if you look at the past posts you'll find our early NSFW chicks
See ya folks!
Congrats for your first anniversary here on Newgrounds ;)